
Disclaimer: All prices are not set in stone and are based on the average complexity of my art. The price may vary with art that is less/more complex. The final price of the order will be established and agreed upon before the initial sketch is approved.
Feel free to negotiate.

Flat Color

Full Body - $40
Half Body - $30
Headshot - $20
Background - Free - 20$


Full Body - $50
Half Body - $40
Headshot - $30
Background - +$15-$30


Full Body - $70
Half Body - $55
Headshot - $40
Background - +$25-$40

Reference Sheet

Basic (2 Characters) - $60
Add Character - +$20
Half Body - +$10
Headshot - +$5
Note : you can Add/Change Clothes to an existing full body for +$10


Add Character - +75% (Does not apply for Reference Sheet)NSFW Light Gore or Nudity - +$20Any edits made to the line art after the sketch has been approved might incur minor additional fees depending on complexity.
